
For a little over a year, I led a small but incredibly talented team in creating the skies and vistas that supported Concord’s visual style. While the game was not the success we had hoped for, I believe our work remains a testament to the passion and creativity that brought its universe to life.

We aimed to make every sky and vista a story—to immerse players in worlds where horizons teased mysteries, skies stirred emotions while supporting gameplay, and light and atmosphere transported them.

Here are some highlights from my contributions and leadership. From glowing alien sunsets to star-filled voids, each piece reflects our dedication to pushing visual boundaries in gaming.

I hope you enjoy exploring this collection and celebrating the incredible team behind it. Though Concord is no more, the journey in getting these worlds built was well worth it and I hope its visuals continue to inspire.

Client: Sony/Firewalk
Date: 2023-2024

On my team:
Steve Matson
Aurelien D’Anglejan
Zach Gregory (Valkyrie)
Jake Weberg (Valkyrie)

Other teams:
Chris Cherubini
Sourabh Hamigi
Adam Alexander
Adrian Majkrzak
James Trevett
Robert Howell
Eli Tuttle
Geoffrey Hudson
Rajeev Nattam
Linda Chang
Amy Payne
Brendan Holloway
Tim McMahon
Ryan, Shaun and Tony

Gameplay Reel

The Planets of Concord


Guild Commercial Control. The spire in the center of Crater City is the Guild’s equivalent of licking food so no one else can eat it. Except instead of licking, they dragged an asteroid larger than most moons across four systems, crashed it into Silo, and planted a fortified tower in the resulting crater – making it a highly defensible command center for their government and commercial engines. The spire is their seat of power, the place from which they pull the strings that control the Wilds. Best not to touch.



Planet: SILO

Location: Guild-Controlled Wilds

Diameter: 3,189

Moons: None, Orbit remains clear of debris

Atmosphere: Thin at mean surface level, suitable density at lowest points. Pollution increasing at standard rates.

Weather: Remains arid, some cloud cover, low moving fog. Little seasonal variance. Commerce largely unaffected.

Temperature: Cold at surface level; temperate at crater depth. Some increase due to starship based pollutants.

Ecosystem: Insignificant, attempts at commercializing have largely been dead ends.

Financial Assessment: Crater City continues to be the dominant trading destination in the Wilds. No threats to this position currently exist.

Spacelane Assessment: Access remains clear on all Spacelanes. Traffic is flowing freely. Increasing starship density may demand Spacelane expansion in near future.

Overall Assessment: Planet appears stable and should provide as a suitable spire host for some time. However Crater City itself is reaching its density potential and expansion is required to take full advantage of trade possibilities.

Recommendation: Surface expansion beyond crater wall not possible due to thin atmosphere, suggest planetary atmosphere terraforming assessment be requisitioned.

Assessor 2137


Sorting Hub


The vastadons of Akkar are a case for endings being new beginnings. They went extinct when a massive hunk of moon crashed into their world. But their bones found new life as the dry mix for designer concrete. And their nest of eggs are the primary ingredient in Universal Flavor – the stuff the Guild sprinkles on all the products they dub as “food” to make them palatable to nearly every species. Thanks to Flavor, everyone can eat everything – and more consumers means more coin for the Guild.



Planet: AKKAR

Location: Inner regions

Diameter: 5,107

Moons: One !! CATASTROPHIC EVENT !! A rogue Tempest energy spike intersected the moon breaking it apart. Large pieces have made planetfall and orbital decay of remaining debris field is spreading.

Atmosphere: !! DEGRADING CONDITIONS !! Increasing haze from moon debris is degrading the atmospheric conditions rapidly.

Weather: Fluctuating conditions due to ecological collapse.

Temperature: Reduced solar heating due to increasing haze layer is causing rapid temperate shifts. Expect planet temperatures to continue to fluctuate aggressively.

Ecosystem: !! VASTADON COLLAPSE !! Moon destruction has led to the extinction of all vastadons. Limited remains will drive up prices until there is no more supply, then market will stagnate.

Financial Assessment: Planetary ecological disaster will increase short term gains but will lead to a financial “wasteland.”

Spacelane Access: Orbital debris impacts are increasing and will render safe approach difficult within three standard years.

Overall Assessment: !! BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY & RISK !! Prices of Vastadon products will skyrocket bringing in additional funding. However the depletion of egg-based Universal Flavour will cause stagnation in food markets. Synthetic source of UF needed quickly.

Recommendation: Increase R&D budget for Universal Flavor replacement. Risk to food markets increases as vastadon eggs deplete.

Assessor 1704


Bone Mines

Vastadon Lab


The moon at the end of the Galaxy.
Most dead ends aren’t planned, they happen – when dreams are lost to reality, or in this case disappear in the empty swath of space known as The Nothing. The Guild never planned to stop their expansion at Gloom, but their scout ships fell victim to the unnavigable darkness beyond. So, Gloom became the end of the line. A lot of things ended on that moon, including the ancient Sentries and the giant robots. Everyone has their theories, but the truth is as obscure as starless space.



Planet: GLOOM

Location: The Frontier

Diameter: 1,321

Moons: None, GLOOM is the moon of a large gas giant.

Atmosphere: Breathable, pleasant, and unremarkable.

Weather: Mild, billowing clouds common.

Temperature: Warm, primary heat is from its distant star, secondary heat source comes from radiation from Gas Giant.

Plant Life: Abundant. Full ecosystem, many forms of plant life from small lichens to towering tree 

Animal Life: Abundant. Full ecosystem, many small to average sized species.

Mineral Wealth: Metals detected in significant amounts.

Financial Assessment: Local religious artifacts may pose merchandising opportunities.

Spacelane Assessment: Difficult. Distance, unstable nearby star, asteroid belt all pose major financial hurdles.

Overall Assessment: World may be suitable for frontline Guild outpost. Further investigation needed.

Recommendation: Despite distance and cost GLOOM may be an excellent launching point for further Guild expansion into the Nothing. Recommend seizing world and establishing a significant base.

Assessor 1068


Star Chamber

Robot Ruins


Get vomity on boats? Leviathan is not for you. It’s one huge choppy sea plagued by endless hurricanes and massive tidal shifts brought on by the low-hanging Red Moon. If that’s not enough, the sea is chock full of ravenous Morack eels. The only thing Leviathan has going for it is that it’s supersaturated with fuel salt, enough to power all the superlight engines for the starships that connect the galaxy. This makes it the most valuable world in the Wilds, especially to the Guild. (And since the Guild is already there, they also make use of the eels – for every kind of processed meat product possible; and the lightning storms – which are harnessed for energy.)




Location: Guild-Controlled Wilds

Diameter: 12,364

Moons: One !! DEGRADING ORBIT !! Moon is interacting with planet atmosphere, proximity is causing extreme weather and tidal forces. Orbit is degrading faster than first estimated. Leviathan will no longer be commercially viable in 10 years.

Atmosphere: Due to the immense size of Leviathan the dense atmosphere has seen little change despite the large volume of shipping traffic.

Weather: !! EXTREME STORMS !! Planetary hurricane systems are increasing in volume and intensity due to moon interaction with atmosphere. Ship traffic at higher risk.

Temperature: Temperature remains cool, no significant change.

Ecosystem: !! MORACK DEPLETION !! Morack are becoming more and more scarce. Reason unknown. Could be due to increasing storm intensity.

Financial Assessment: Fuel Salt compounds in water are increasing in density driving up yield. Morack prices increasing due to demand and depleting supply.

Spacelane Assessment: While main Spacelane access remains clear, encroaching minefield could pose a future threat.

Overall Assessment: The planetary value is increasing with greater Fuel Salt exports and elevated Morack prices.

Recommendation: With planetary demise imminent, increase short term investment in local industry to maximize value. Must find a significant alternative Fuel Salt source ASAP.

Assessor 2001


Water Hazard

Spine Works

Shock Risk


Salt Lord’s Domain. At first glance, this world’s a hot mess. Scorching deserts, relentless suns, toxic insectoids with bad tempers. But it turns out, Glance’s parched landscape is a money maker. It’s the perfect place for mineral-rich waters from Leviathan to be evaporated, leaving behind fields and fields of fuel salt – which, after a bit of processing right here on Glance, powers the superlight engines in the starships that connect the galaxy. And all those barren, ugly salt fields make a colossal fortune for the Salt Lord, the ill-tempered autocrat who rules Glance… at least until the Guild works out a way to get rid of him without disrupting the fuel supply.



Planet: GLANCE

Location: Inner Regions

Diameter: 4,871

Moons: Two – (G1, G2) Further analysis has found no additional value.

Atmosphere: Increasing moisture content from LEVIATHAN water dumped on fuel salt fields is reducing the evaporation potential of the planet. So far productivity has dropped only 3-5% but will continue to decrease at an accelerated rate.

Weather: Dust storms. Small clouds increasingly spotted. Planetary dynamics changing due to added water content.

Temperature: Hot but decreasing as moisture content rises in atmosphere.

Ecosystem: !! INFESTATION !! Enhanced bug activity has reduced efficiency with equipment and worker losses increasing.

Financial Assessment: !! BUSINESS RISK !! Degrading political relationship with the Salt Lord is putting fuel production and profit margin at risk.

Spacelane Assessment: Access remains clear. As of yet no shortcut has been discovered through the Red Wall despite many assessments.

Overall Assessment: !! BUSINESS RISK !! Increasing local instability combined with decreasing output is threatening deal balance. Strong response is required.

Recommendation: Military intervention may be required to stabilize and optimize fuel production. Memo to HAVOC command dispatched.

Assessor 2311


Sand Wreck

Salt Palace
